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Look for the comet in the upper-left of this
spectacular photo. |
Mauro Zorzenon e Cristina Scauri,
Matajur Mountain, Udine, Italy Jan. 13, 2007 |
#1; more images |
Comet with the sun- Monte Matajur (Udine-Italy), 13/01/2007 15:44 T.U
Photo details:
Canon EOS 300D,
Sigma 55-200 mm lens
set at 112mm, 200 ISO, f/8. 1/250 sec exposure. |
Heinzen, Simplonpass,
Switzerland Jan. 13, 2007 |
#1 |
Photo details: Canon
EOS 300D, 100 ISO, 1/1600sec, Takahashi FS-128
The full-size
version of this photo shows the comet
and a green flash--simultaneously!
Finazzi, Colli di San Fermo (1250
mt) Bergamo Italy Jan. 13, 2007 |
#2 |
Comet McNaught with sun and green flash at 17:03 local time.
D2X, 200mm lens (300 dig), f/8- 1/500sec-100 ISO.
Comet McNaught with Monte Rosa pick at 17:30 local time. Canon
20DA, Pentax Apo 100 SDUF 400mm lens + Teleconverter Nikon
1,4X (900 dig), f/5,6- 1/100sec-100 ISO. |
Click on the
image to find the comet. |
Lawrence, Selsey, West Sussex,
UK Jan. 14, 2007 |
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nearly thwarted my view of Comet McNaught today but cloud can
be beautiful too. The shot showing cloud shows the colours
picked up by the camera during the shot. The comet? Well
that's the tiny bright spot in the centre of all that mother
of pearl. A diamond amongst the pearls! Later, the clouds
started to clear along the horizon at sunset. I tried for the
comet once more but failed. However, I did spy a rare (for the
UK) green
flash. |
Philipp Salzgeber, Wolfurt,
Austria, Europe Jan. 13, 2007 |
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McNaught in broad daylight. The comet was so bright that it
was possible to see him with the unaided eye when the sun was
shaded by the house.
Photo details: Nikon
D200 and a Telezoom, and a small achromatic refractor
(80/480) |

Ratkowski, Haleakala,
Maui Jan. 13, 2007 |
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finally got past our Kona low and the sky cleared on the last
day possible to view Comet McNaught. Members of Haleakala
Astronomers, guests and astronomers from the Institute for
Astronomy all were out for our 1st daylight comet. After the
sun was below the horizon, the comet was brightly visible and
later followed by a bright Milky Way and Zodiacal Light
Nedeljko, Novi Sad,
Serbia Jan. 12, 2007 |
#1 |
I was on the roof of my apart,ment building.
filming, I didn`t see anything of the comet, and didn`t have a
binoculars or any other aid to help my eyes. It was kind of
"blind" shooting, and I was pleased to see a comet on the
monitor of my PC. If I had any aid to my eyes and could see
it, I would use longer lens. This animation is made of crops
of images shot with a 70mm
lens and Canon
EOS 20D. |
Dethloff, Beaverton,
Oregon Jan. 13, 2007 |
#2 |
was a gorgeous sight easily visible to the unaided eye against
the twilight sky!
Photo details: Nikon D70 with Tokina
telephoto lens set at 400mm (35mm equiv=600mm).
Veles, Kiev, Ukraine Jan.
11, 2007 |
#1 |
decline of the day, bright comet McNaught! In the top-right
corner a trace of airplane. Main image took with 100mm lense
on f/4 and 1/125 s exposure, zoom-with 300mm f/4
Photo details: Canon
30D camera, 640ISO, 100mm and 300mm lenses.
Amir Hossein
Abolfath, Tehran, Iran Jan.
14, 2007 |
#1 |
taken this photo at 4 pm behind clouds.
details: 11 cm William-Optics Apo and Canon
EOS 30D. |
images: from
Oscar Hernandez of San Pedro Cholula, Mexico; from
Didier Hayem of Geneva, Switzerland; from
Terry Tedor of North Pole, Alaska; from
Carolyn Frayn of Calgary, Alberta, Canada; from
Brian Jolley of Bountiful, Utah.