International Meteor Conference 2002
Dear Friends,
I would like to inform You that the official homepage of IMC 2002 in Frombork is fully operating now. You can download it from the following URL:
Check this page often it will be uptaded regulary. We are going to add more infomation about travelig possibilities, possibilities to stay longer or arrive earlier, places worth to see, photos of the hotel etc.
See you in September in Frombork!
Hello everybody,
First of all, I wish you all the best for 2002.
Right at the beginning of the year, I would like to let you know that the IMO Council has decided that the IMC 2002 will be organized by the Polish Comets and Meteors Workshop (CMW). Further information will be given in the next WGN issue as well as on the IMO's web pages soon. Attached find a text prepared by Mariusz Wisniewski, Arkadiusz Olech, Marcin Gajos, Kamil Zloczewski and Aleksander Trofimowicz of the CMW.