Dear colleagues,
I would like to bring to your attention the IEECB'04 conference (Frankfurt, Germany, 21-22 April 2004) which is dedicated to energy efficiency improvements in commercial buildings and successful examples of low energy buildings (including both new and refurbished buildings). The previous IEECB conferences have been very successful in attracting an international audience, representing a wide variety of stakeholders involved in policy implementation and development, manufacturing and promotion of energy efficient technologies and services.
The IEECB conference has established itself as an influential and recognised international event where participants can discuss the latest developments and build international partnerships among stakeholders. IEECB'04 will provide a unique forum to discuss and debate the latest developments in energy and environmental impact of commercial buildings, the policies (e.g. the new EU Directive on Buildings Energy Performances) and programmes adopted and planned, as well as the technical and commercial advances in the dissemination and penetration of energy efficient technologies and services.
The two-day conference will include plenary sessions where key representatives of governments and international organisations, manufacturing industry will present their views and programmes to advance energy efficiency in commercial buildings. Parallel sessions on specific themes and topics will allow in-depth discussions among participants.
The Final Announcement Brochure and the Conference Programme are attached together with the Hotel Reservation Form and the Registration form. Frankfurt will be very busy at the time of the Light+Building fair (18-22 February). You could also try to make your own Hotel reservation by going to the following site: and then contacting individual hotels, however most of the hotels are already sold out.
The conference will be held at the Messe Frankfurt Conference Centre:
Please note that there will be two technical tours on Friday 23 April to visit advanced buildings
in Frankfurt and CHP plants (more details to follow). By registering to IEECB'04 you could also
take part for free in the Building Performance Congress on Architecture and Technology.
For more details on the Building Performance Congress go to:
For more information about Light+Building go to:
I am looking forward to meeting you in Frankfurt.
Best regards
European Commission - DG JRC
tel. +39 0332 78 9299 (secretary 9145)
fax. +39 0332 78 9992
mobile +39 328 918 7189