National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Centers' Homepages
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- NASA Headquarters (Agency-wide Management), Washington, DC.
- Ames Research Center (Specializes in the research of new technologies), Mountain View, CA.
- Dryden Flight Research, Center (The lead Center for flight research), Edwards, CA.
- Glenn Research Center (Lead Center for aeropropulsion and communications technologies), Cleveland, OH.
- Goddard Space Flight Center (Earth, the solar system, and the universe through observations from space), Greenbelt, MD.
- Independent Validation & Verification Facility (Highest achievable levels of safety and cost-effectiveness for mission critical software), Fairmont, WV.
- Jet Propulsion Laboratory (Lead center for robotic exploration of the Solar System), Pasadena CA.
- Johnson Space Center (Human Space Exploration), Houston, TX.
- Kennedy Space Center (Preparing and launching missions around the Earth and beyond), FL.
- Langley Research Center (Aviation and Space Research), Hampton, VA.
- Marshall Space Flight Center (Leader in the access to space and use of space for research and development), Huntsville, AL.
- Stennis Space Center (Responsible for rocket propulsion testing and remote sensing technology), MS.
- Moffett Federal Airfield (Preserves historical artifacts from the Navy and Army and NASA at Moffett Field), Mountain View, CA.
- Wallops Flight Facility (Goddard Space Flight Center), Wallops Island, VA.
- White Sands Test Facility, White Sands, NM.

- NASA History Division

- Human Spaceflight (Mappa del Sito)
- Astronaut Information on the NASA World Wide Web

- NASA Links

- NASA Multimedia archives
(Collection of multimedia files)
- FITS Support Office
- Astronomy Picture of the Day
- N.O.D.I.S.-NASA Online Directives Information System (Programs, library, papers, documents, schedules & other homepage)
- Planetary Photojournal
(a searchable collection of NASA's planetary images)
- SkyView v2.3: scrutate il cielo dal vosto monitor!
- Space Calendar (JPL)
- Space Science Data Operations Office (SSDOO)
- http://spaceflight.nasa.gov (Space Shuttle, Space Station, Behind the scenes & News)

- Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum (SECEF)
- Today@NASA: cos'è accaduto oggi alla NASA?
- USGS Flagstaff Space Mission Support
Browse the Solar System - Information about the Solar System and products created by the USGS.
Current Activities, NASA Missions - Some of the NASA missions and other projects on which our scientists
are currently working. Databases - Space mission databases maintained by USGS Flagstaff Field Center.

Altri Links
- Astrofisica alla NASA (ADS)
- Ames Space Archive
- Ames Space GIFs
- Gopher NASA
- IMAGE POETRY and "Ask the Space Scientist"
- Imager for Magnetosphere-to-Aurora Global Explorer (IMAGE)
- Immagini NASA e
- Leonid Meteors
(1998 Major Shower)
- Mars
- NASA Telnet
- National Center for Atmospheric Reserch
- Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking Home Page
Vi si trovani informazioni (e probabilmente anche programmi dedicati).
- On-Line CD-ROM
- Rapporti tecnici NASA
- Scienza Planetaria al NSSDC
- Solar UV Atlas from HRTS
(HRTS data)
Through the generosity of Dr. Pål Brekke of the University of Oslo, the High Resolution Spectrograph and
Telescope (HRTS) ultraviolet solar atlas is now available on the Web.
- Scientific & Technical Information Program
- http://bolero.gsfc.nasa.gov
- NASA JSC Digital Image Collection
- I Russi nello spazio
- Ancora sui Russi.
- Russi e Americani nello spazio

- StarTrax: an Astrophysics Information System ( WWW AIS )
StarTrax 2.0
is a forms interface to the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center
database management system at NASA's GSFC, which allows browsing of various astronomical
catalogs and archival datafiles, providing a vast selection of data from X-ray and Gamma-ray
astronomy missions including ROSAT, ASCA, Compton GRO, Einstein and EXOSAT.
The Star Tracks: Browse
facility incorporates a name resolver to convert object names to coordinates; it will also provide
multiple downloading of data products. Best results can be obtained by following the
Star Tracks: Configuration instructions.
- Atlante di Marte.
- Multiwavelength Milky Way
Images of the Milky Way galaxy in the light of several spectral lines and continuum bands, spanning the
electromagnetic spectrum from radio to high-energy gamma-ray, are presented. The display is interactive,
allowing zooming and panning of the images, each of which covers the entire sky within ten degrees of the
Galactic plane. Explanatory text and links to the data sources and references are included. The Multiwavelength
Milky Way site is an educational service of the Astrophysics Data Facility at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
- Solar Data Analysis Center
The SDAC at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center serves current solar ground- and spaced-based imagery,
text, figures, maps, and tables of NASA eclipse bulletins, solar flare data from the ComptonGRO
BATSE experiment and the Yohkoh spacecraft, and science operations planning information for the
SOHO Science Working Team.... and more to come.
- NASA Shuttle flights - pictures
Pretty pictures from many NASA Shuttle flights, including STS-61 in December 1993 to service the NASA/ESA
Hubble Space Telescope (HST).The images in this directory are mirrored from the sites at:
ftp://explorer.arc.nasa.gov/pub/SPACE/SHUTTLE, and
- Virtual trips to black holes and neutron stars
This page contains MPEG movies and GIFs highlighting the visual distortion effects an observer would see in
the high gravity environment of a neutron star or black hole (Schwarzschild metric). It is based on a refereed
paper by Robert J. Nemiroff that appeared in the American Journal of Physics and is intended for educational
use. The hypertext reviews several relevantaspects of gravitational lensing.
European Space Agency
Agenzie Spaziali Nazionali ed Istituti di Ricerca Spaziale
Satelliti artificiali
Satelliti Astronomici

Sonde Spaziali Interplanetarie
- Space Mission Acronym List and Hyperlink Guide (Mission Acronyms and Links)
- Cassini (sonda)
- Cassini Mission to Saturn (sonda)
Saturn and Titan will be the destination for the Cassini mission, a project under joint development by
the European Space Agency and the
Italian Space Agency The U.S. portion of the mission is managed for NASA by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
- Clementine (LLNL)
- Clementine (NRL)
- Clementine images from the Moon
- Clementine Lunar Image Browser
- Galileo
also: NASA/Galileo
- Galileo-Le ultime immagini
- Magellan :
- Magellan Image
- Magellan Mission to Venus
- Online Resources (PDS Imaging Node, JPL, NASA). The Magellan spacecraft was launched on May 4, 1989,
arrived at Venus on August 10, 1990 and was inserted into a near-polar elliptical orbit with a
periapsis altitude of 294 km at 9.5 deg. N. Radio contact with the spacecraft was lost on October 12,
1994. The service provides a comprehensive description of the mission, including images and catalogue
- Mars Atlas ( -- online USGS maps and VO image finder )
- Mars Express (ESA)

- Mars Global Surveyor Home Page
- Mars Opportunity (Opportunity Closing in on Scientific Jackpot)

- Mars Pathfinder
- Mars Pathfinder Mission Home Page (JPL)
- Mars Pathfinder
- NEAR Project (APL)
- Ulysses (sonda)
also: Ulisses
- Venus Revealed Images
(Images of Venus and Venus exploration craft); a choice selection of images of Venus and Venus exploration craft from the book Venus Revealed by
David Grinspoon.
- Viking Mission to Mars
- Online Resources (PDS Imaging Node-JPL-NASA)
NASA's Viking Mission to Mars was composed of two spacecraft, Viking 1 and Viking 2, each consisting of an orbiter and a lander. The primary mission objectives were to obtain high resolution images of the Martian surface, characterize the structure and composition of the atmosphere and surface, and search for evidence of life. Viking 1 was launched on August 20, 1975 and arrived at Mars on June 19, 1976. Viking 2 was launched September 9, 1975 and entered Mars orbit on August 7, 1976. The service includes description of the missions and images of the planet.
- MSSS Viking Image Archive
Provides access to a large fraction of the set of images taken by the Viking orbiters from 1976 to 1980.
- Viking Project Information
- Satellites with High Energy Astrophysics Instrumentation (HEASARC. GSFC. NASA)
Comprehensive list of satellites with high energy astrophysics instrumentation. Includes images from these missions.
Aggiornamenti sulle missioni:





Satelliti terrestri
Satelliti per telecomunicazioni
- Iridium (Previsioni sui loro flash luminosi)

Il rientro dall'orbita della MIR
Altri Siti
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Copyright © 1997-2000-2002-2004-2006 di Lucio Furlanetto
Si ringraziano la N.A.S.A.-National Aeronautic and Space Administration, E.S.A.-European Space Agency e tutti quanti hanno segnalato
links o siti internet poi apparsi in questa pagina.

Sito inserito in rete: estate 1997; ultimo aggiornamento: 3 settembre 2007