Le frazioni, ove indicato dopo il nome dello scienziato, segnalano la percentuale di suddivisione del premio; 1/2 (metà premio), 1/3 o 1/4 rispettivamente. Ove non indicato, i premi sono stati suddivisi equamente.
I Premi Nobel su You Tube.
2016 Oliver Hart e Bengt Holmström "for their contributions to contract theory"
2015 Angus Deaton "for his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare"
2014 Jean Tirole "for his analysis of market power and regulation"
2013 Eugene F. Fama, Lars Peter Hansen e Robert J. Shiller "for their empirical analysis of asset prices"
2012 Alvin E. Roth e Lloyd S. Shapley "for the theory of stable allocations and the practice of market design"
2011 Thomas J. Sargent e Christopher A. Sims "for their empirical research on cause and effect in the macroeconomy"
2010 Peter A. Diamond, Dale T. Mortensen e Christopher A. Pissarides "for their analysis of markets with search frictions"
2009 Elinor Ostrom e Oliver E. Williamson "for his analysis of economic governance, especially the boundaries of the firm"
2008 Paul Krugman "for his analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity"
2007 Leonid Hurwicz, Eric S. Maskin e Roger B. Myerson "for having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory"
2006 Edmund S. Phelps "for his analysis of intertemporal tradeoffs in macroeconomic policy"
2005 Robert J. Aumann e Thomas C. Schelling "for having enhanced our understanding of conflict and cooperation through game-theory analysis"
2004 Finn E. Kydland e Edward C. Prescott "for his analysis of intertemporal tradeoffs in macroeconomic policy"
2003 Robert F. Engle III e Clive W.J. Granger "for methods of analyzing economic time series with common trends (cointegration)"
2002 Daniel Kahneman, Vernon L. Smith "for having integrated insights from psychological research into economic science, especially concerning human judgment and decision-making under uncertainty" and Vernon L. Smith "for having established laboratory experiments as a tool in empirical economic analysis, especially in the study of alternative market mechanisms"
2001 George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence e Joseph E. Stiglitz "for their analyses of markets with asymmetric information"
2000 James J. Heckman, Daniel L. McFadden
1999 Robert A. Mundell
1998 Amartya Sen
1997 Robert C. Merton, Myron S. Scholes
1996 James A. Mirrlees, William Vickrey
1995 Robert E. Lucas Jr.
1994 John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash Jr., Reinhard Selten
1993 Robert W. Fogel, Douglass C. North
1992 Gary S. Becker
1991 Ronald H. Coase
1990 Harry M. Markowitz, Merton H. Miller, William F. Sharpe
1989 Trygve Haavelmo
1988 Maurice Allais
1987 Robert M. Solow
1986 James M. Buchanan Jr.
1985 Franco Modigliani (ITA)
1984 Richard Stone
1983 Gerard Debreu
1982 George J. Stigler
1981 James Tobin
1980 Lawrence R. Klein
1979 Theodore W. Schultz, Sir Arthur Lewis
1978 Herbert A. Simon
1977 Bertil Ohlin, James E. Meade
1976 Milton Friedman
1975 Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich, Tjalling C. Koopmans
1974 Gunnar Myrdal, Friedrich August von Hayek
1973 Wassily Leontief
1972 John R. Hicks, Kenneth J. Arrow
1971 Simon Kuznets
1970 Paul A. Samuelson
1969 Ragnar Frisch, Jan Tinbergen
Vai ai Premi Nobel per la: Fisica | Chimica | Medicina o Fisiologia | Letteratura | Pace | Economia (Sito Istituto Nobel)
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